

Complete each of the following sections - envisioning yourself as a professional in 5 years - of your CV based on the job you find listed on a job search site such as Name and contact information Professional Profile Objective (connects to a specific job listing) List 3-4 skills and abilities in bullet form (related to "Phrases to sell yourself" List 3-4 results in bullet form that your skills will allow you to deliver Qualifications: list 3-4 in bullet form Achievements: list 2 (things you have acommplished) Experience: list 2 positions (previous jobs) Education Other: include 1-2 other distinctions Interests outside work: include 1-2

Virtual Writing Tutor Features

7. Feedback and texts: 8. Error correction games: 9. Word counter: 10. Grammar check: 11. Check sentence: 12. Punctuation checker: 13. Essay checker: 16. Vocabulary checker: 17. Paraphrase checker: 18. Target structure checker: 19. Cohesion checker: 20. Dictionary: 22. Sample academic opinion essay text: 23. Spell checker: 24. Speech recognition: 25. Text to speech: 26. Text-to-speech MP3 download: 27. Download the DOC file:

Family Story Project - 8 Activities

1.  Project background  Instructions  1.1 View the presentation, Write Your Family History Step by Step (see Labo for the pdf).    1 Why is Ms. Alzo an expert in family history? 2 Write 3 or 4 suggestions, in your own words, the author gives in her Overview. 3 What is the difference between a family tree and a family story? 4 What are some famous story histoires? 5 Do stories have to be told in exact sequence? 6 What are some different formats for story telling? 7 Why does the author suggest using a timeline? 8 What tips does she give for writing a compelling story? 9 What documents can you use? 10 Why does the author like interviewing a person? 2. Interview preparation  Instructions  Prepare your interview with a family member. Answer the following questions.. 2.1 What stories does my family have? 2.2 Who can I interview? 2.3 What do I do if the original person I want to interview is not free? 2.4 What is my driving question or topic ( early childho...

Test glossary


Film Draft Essay Format for the VWT

Title is captivating and appealing on a sexy topic. Are introductory questions easy to write? Yes, if you have a good imagination and know your these statement. By the way, the thesis statement should contain the specific literary element or elements you are analyzing, such as character or plot. Don't forget it should be the last sentence in the introduction. The second paragraph should begin with a strong topic sentence relating to the thesis in the introduction. The paragraph should be cohesive, meaning it closely link all the sentences using, for example, transition expressions such as although or however. There should be citations too referring to the sources you are using, based on what your teacher explained in class. "You could cite the film, the book, and the film reviews" (Mr. B). The third paragraph should follow the guidelines explained for the second paragraph. You could refer to things you learned in the class textbook (Introduction). The conclusion s...

Class interview

test article