1. Project background Instructions 1.1 View the presentation, Write Your Family History Step by Step (see Labo for the pdf). 1 Why is Ms. Alzo an expert in family history? 2 Write 3 or 4 suggestions, in your own words, the author gives in her Overview. 3 What is the difference between a family tree and a family story? 4 What are some famous story histoires? 5 Do stories have to be told in exact sequence? 6 What are some different formats for story telling? 7 Why does the author suggest using a timeline? 8 What tips does she give for writing a compelling story? 9 What documents can you use? 10 Why does the author like interviewing a person? 2. Interview preparation Instructions Prepare your interview with a family member. Answer the following questions.. 2.1 What stories does my family have? 2.2 Who can I interview? 2.3 What do I do if the original person I want to interview is not free? 2.4 What is my driving question or topic ( early childho...